AACR2R em MARC21 - 2012
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Ant�nia Mem�ria - AACR2 - Perguntas e Respostas

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Just want to say Hello!

Delete this post Enviada por Jamison Conlon <serviciiseo@oltplast.ro> em 20/Apr/2016


I went for a one of a kind present and uncovered this portray that lights inside of the dim.
Its somekind of doual-view painting. I can view it during the working day, however every time is darkish within just the place, the painting is however recognizable.
Is this some style of alien technology/ or is simply some special wall artwork?
However, i resolved towards choose it as a gift, nonetheless to acquire some for myself also :).
I believe that inside of make any difference of gifts, this would be the most important. Do oneself feel the same?

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